To process your order we will require a prescription from you or your Prescriber. We will only compound and dispense upon receipt of a valid patient specific prescription. Please note that our compounds are exclusively provided for individual patient and are not for office use.
Contact us for a Quote.
All products on this website require you to consult with a healthcare provider and receive a prescription before any product will be dispensed. If you have questions or concerns about your medications, please do not hesitate to contact us and/or your medical practitioner, including your pharmacist.
Live Forever Health offers a specialized shampoo containing Minoxidil (5%), Ketoconazole (2%), Latanoprost (0.03%), and Finasteride (0.1%) in a 60 mL bottle. This Rx-only formula is designed for topical application to support hair health and manage scalp conditions.
We offer comprehensive IV supplement solutions, providing therapies ranging from subcutaneous to intravenous methods designed to strengthen your body’s internal systems. Our specialized formulations deliver essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, promoting optimal health and well-being.
Consult your prescribe
This compounded medication is custom-made for you based on a prescription from your licensed physician.
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